So, over the December holidays, we gave everyone 10 consecutive days off and encouraged them to unplug completely. 于是,在12月份,我们连续放了10天假,鼓励他们完全远离工作。
SQS reserves the right to automatically delete queues if there has been no activity in the queue for30 consecutive days. 如果队列中连续30天没有活动,SQS保留自动删除它们的权力。
Power Grid Corp. of India Ltd. had restored up to 98% of northern India's power supply as of Wednesday morning after two consecutive days of grid collapses caused major power outages in the region. 截至周三上午,印度电网公司(PowerGridCorp.ofIndiaLtd.)已经在印度北部地区最多恢复了98%的电力供应。此前,印度电网接连两天出现故障,造成印度北部地区大面积停电。
On three consecutive days we heard presentations from NGOs on how they prevent people getting blown up by landmines, help women and children in conflict zones, and show hungry people how to get more food from their land. 连续三天,我们都在听非政府组织的报告,主题分别是它们如何防止地雷炸死人,如何帮助冲突地区的妇女儿童,如何教导饥饿人群从自己的土地上获取更多的粮食。
London's Great Smog hung in the air for five consecutive days; visibility was reduced to mere feet and cars were abandoned or led off the road by police with traffic flares. 伦敦浓雾持续笼罩了五天,能见度仅为几英尺,车辆要么被遗弃,要么被警方清理出了路面。
The team filmed 1,000 hours of intimate behaviour over 300 consecutive days, the longest ever shoot of emperors. 该团队在连续300天中近距离拍摄下了1000小时的录像,这是世上最长的对帝企鹅的拍摄。
This is the first time since 1888 that bad weather forced the New York Stock Exchange to close for two consecutive days. 这是自1888年以来第一次糟糕的天气迫使纽约证券交易所被迫关闭连续两天。
The study was conducted during one-hour sessions on four consecutive days. Greger说,本研究具体操作是连续四天每次一个小时。
Was absent on three consecutive days; 接连三天都缺席;
According to its risk model, one investment bank suffered a loss on several consecutive days that should only have occurred once in14 life-spans of our universe. 按照这种理论的风险模型,一家投资银行连续几天内遭受的损失之巨大,其发生的概率为14个我们宇宙寿命的时间内才会出现一次。
I have been away for forty-two consecutive days. 我已连续42天未在这儿了。
The employee has been absent from work for20 non-consecutive days or7 consecutive days in a year, and does not mend after warning in writing. 该职员在一年中非连续性20天或连续7天缺勤,并在书面警告后不思悔改。
According to the new warning system introduced in October, the government should issue a red alert when the volume of fine pollutants in the air is forecast to exceed 300 micrograms per cubic metre for three consecutive days. 根据去年10月发布的新的预警机制,若预期空气中的微小污染物含量将连续三天超过每立方米300微克,政府就应当发布红色预警。
She missed school on four consecutive days. 她连续四天没上学了。
Relapse was defined as the occurrence of new bullae daily for several consecutive days, along with the reappearance of erythema and pruritus. 复发被定义为连续数天每天都有新水疱发生,同时出现红斑和瘙痒。
If you have to use them on two consecutive days, clean and sanitize before every use. 如果您必须连续两天使用他们,每次使用之前都需要清洗和消毒。
Yes, because the competition was scheduled to be played over consecutive days. 是的,因为比赛原计划是连续几天举行的。
Apply one vial of IRS at night after cleansing and toning for 14 consecutive days. 在晚间,卸妆、清洁及使用调肤水后,一次使用一整瓶IRS,连续使用14天。
Two groups performed three consecutive days of running to fatigue on a treadmill to mimic a short period of stressful exercise. 他们让其中两组老鼠在运动的皮带上连续不间断跑了三天直到疲劳来模拟短期的紧张性运动。
We shall have meetings on two consecutive days, Monday and tuesday. 周一周二连续两天我们都将开会。
Those who is absent from work for3 consecutive days or6 days within a month, 12 days within a year will be dismissed without compensation. 无故连续旷工3日或全月累计无故旷工6日或一年旷工达12日者,径予解雇,不发劳动补偿金。
In the study, the researchers kept animals awake for20 hours per day followed by a four-hour sleep opportunity, over five consecutive days. 在这项研究中,研究人员让动物每天清醒20小时,然后给4小时时间睡眠。
He's been late now on three consecutive days. 他已经连续3天迟到。
After several consecutive days of losses, bargain hunting at the opening sparked buying sentiment. 大盘跌了几天,今天一开盘,投资人逢低买进,带动了买气。
Where callback for two consecutive days, next Monday will be strong rebounce time, if no major bad news at weekends. 连续两天的回调,如果周末没有实质性的重大利空消息,下周一将出现强力反弹。
Their cortisol levels were measured from small samples of saliva provided three times a day for three consecutive days and the participants reported their feelings each night in a diary. 研究中,参与者要连续三天每天三次取少量唾液样本,用于测量皮质醇水平,同时通过写日记来记录他们每天晚上的感受。
Seven consecutive days beginning on Sunday and ending on saturday, except in at least one state where seven consecutive days beginning Monday and ending Sunday is considered the calendar week. 连续七天,从星期天开始到星期六结束。至少一个州的情况不同,它们的日历周是从星期一开始到星期天结束。
Hughes had his arm wrapped in ice after Tuesday's game, saying that he'd thrown on flat ground for three consecutive days at Yankee Stadium. 休斯在星期二赛后冰敷他的手臂,说他在洋基球场平地连续投了三天了。
It has rained for four consecutive days. 已连续下了四天雨。